Degree Social Work - For Books, Articles and Videos about Social Work

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Degree Social Work is dedicated to the subject of Social Work for those of you out there who are either studying to become a Social Worker or simply find Social Work interesting.


So what will you find on this web site? Under the Books section, I had sourced books about every form of Social Work. Whatever area of Social Work interests you, you should find reference books on your genre here.

Under the Articles section, you will find a series of interesting handpicked articles sourced from all over the net about Social Work.


Under the Videos section I have sourced from YouTube eight excellent videos on this subject that I felt were worth watching.

Just remember to click the bottom right full screen button for all videos for best viewing.


The Social section is just a bit of fun for Twitter fans to see the latest gossip on Social Work. If you would like to follow me on Twitter, please click my Twitter link.


I hope you enjoy this web site.


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